100k awaits us

I want you guys to take very seriously what I’m about to say

Right now there’s a gold rush 2.0 happening with bitcoin. And there will be a period where bitcoin is so expensive and scarce that people who are aware of your bag will soon go from ignoring you/thinking your weird and annoying, to envying what you have because of their missed opportunity.

People will come out of the wood works to demand things of you based off the newfound wealth you have that’s truly yours. Whether it be family, strangers, or a tyrannical government. What’s happening now is not unusual to similar events in history. It’s human nature and it will happen even if you don’t think so.

Lastly, you must kill any ideas that you don’t believe any of this will happen and that you don’t deserve wealth, freedom, and choice in this world. 99% of people will never truly understand what that really is nor really care to achieve it. And that’s mostly due to the idea that it’s so far out the realm of reality for them that it’s not possible.

Further, it’s also the imposter syndrome that they don’t deserve it because it was money made by literally doing nothing. That we’ve been told you have to slave away at a job for decades to achieve just a semblance of it. But that’s not true. You work a job and have had to make the necessary sacrifices to get to 1 BTC. Cut vacation time, dinner dates, buying something you really want etc. Because the results that await, with delayed gratification, are things that would not have otherwise happened had you maintained your course. You have the ability to change that, now. I wouldn’t say this if I personally didn’t feel this way myself

submitted by /u/Successful_Nail_9807 to r/Bitcoin
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Quelle: bitcoin-en