Sources for fed money creation

I am trying to convince my wife that we should hold a portion of our net worth in bitcoin but she is reluctant. Citing the FUD about criminals and drug dealers and such. I tell her the criminals are at the federal reserve printing money out of thin air. She asks for proof and I show her things like the national debt clock .org and the FRED website with M2 money supply. She wants something more "official" and she basically tells me this is a conspiracy that has been passed to me by rambling redditors and youtubers.

I tell her to Google how much money did the FED print in the last 8 years and she keeps finding government websites that publish statistics about how many bills and coins are minted and printed. I tell her no that is the process of replacing old bills with new bills. I am talking about creating money and changing a number in a bank account on a computer with no gold or asset backing it.

She wants something published by the government that itemizes how much money they created and I can't really find a solid source for this information. I also mentioned to her why would the government create such a detailed report of their theft. I am currently reading the Bitcoin standard but she is not willing to invest that much time into her research. Can you guys point me to some hard and indisputable sources that make it clear that the government has been devaluing our dollars since 1971. Preferably a source that shows the rate the money is created over time so we can see which president was in office when this money was manifested.

We purchased our home about 10 years ago and we know that it has roughly doubled in value during that time. I told her the home did not double in value the dollar halved in value. She just doesn't believe it.

submitted by /u/meyehyde to r/Bitcoin
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Quelle: bitcoin-en